5 Must Have Questions in a Sales Letter

5 Must Have Questions In A Sales Letter People have included all kinds of sales pitch in their sales letter but sometimes still wouldn’t achieve the results they want. The importance of a sales letter is likened to having a retail shop to sell stuff. If the looks of your shop isn’t delivering a good impression, no one will…

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Writing Helpful Help – A Minimalism Checklist

Writing Helpful Help – A Minimalism Checklist User documentation is all too often written by programmers for programmers. It tends to focus on the product’s features, rather than the user’s tasks. Generally, programmers aren’t in the ideal position to be writing user documentation. They’re too close to the bits and bytes, and they’re too far from the user. To…

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What SEO Copywriting Is… and Isn’t

What SEO Copywriting Is… and Isn’t I’ve been frustrated lately. It seems people just don’t get it. There’s lots of talk about SEO copywriting these days, but hardly any of it is on target. The majority of the conversations, posts and articles I’ve seen deal with topics like keyword density, allowable limits, over optimization and such. These people are…

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Write Web Copy for People not Technology

Website Copywriter Tips: Write Web Copy for People not Technology <b>Every website copywriter faces a trap – Search Enginitis. Writing web copy with technology makes sense, but writing web copy for people makes the sale. Here are two ways to connect with people across broadband and create web copy that sells.</b> Your website looks great: solid words, easy navigation,…

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The One Word Every Prospect Craves

The One Word Every Prospect Craves It’s arguably the most important word in the copywriter’s arsenal. It ranks right at the top with words like “free,” “new” and “savings.” I’m talking about “you.” “You” is the word that gets your prospect’s attention and keeps them involved. As Herschell Gordon Lewis says in <I>The Art of Writing Copy,</I> “Unless the…

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The indispensable qualities of professional copywriter

      The indispensable qualities of professional copywriter Whatever industry you operate in and whatever web site you have, it indispensable that the content on your web site is written easy-to read, appealing and attractive style. Your potential customers will visit your web site and judge both you and your company by the information presented on your web…

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So You Want To Be A Copywriter?

So You Want To Be A Copywriter? Wannabe copywriters often check out my site for information relating to my services and fees. And quite right too! I still give my competitor’s websites a ‘gander’ every now and then, in case they’re doing something that I should be doing. I receive many emails from students working towards their marketing or…

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Profit Boosters Copywriting Checklist

Profit Boosters Copywriting Checklist You can use this copywriting checklist when you are copywriting – or to evaluate copywriting. It is based on what works best from over 1,200 copywriting projects we have done since 1978. It will lead to significantly more response from your copywriting. Before writing: 1. Study the company and the product/service being sold thoroughly so…

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Professional Advertising Copywriting

Professional Advertising Copywriting Back from a nice week in Devon, doing nothing except walk on the moors and lazing about. Couple of calls to the office – “Anything good happening?” “Well, it’s good you aren’t here” – and that’s about it. Didn’t even bother to travel 30 miles to take up the offer of a free lunch at Cornwall’s…

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22 Questions to Ask Before You Write a Single Word

Value Added Copywriting

22 Questions to Ask Before You Write a Single Word To write successful copy, you need to know as much as you can. It goes beyond reading background materials, reviewing old marketing pieces and doing some cursory research on the Web. You need to get inside peoples’ heads. Start with your clients. They know their business and their customers…

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Million $ Copy
Million $ Copy