Effective Use of Bullet Points

Effective Bullet Points

Instinctive Fire Eric Haney was a former member of Delta Force, America’s renowned counter-terrorist unit responsible for saving hostages and executing high-risk missions. Haney shared his experiences in his book “Inside Delta Force,” where he introduced the concept of “instinctive fire.” This shooting technique, taught to all Delta Force operators, involves focusing on the target rather than the gun…

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Importance of Knowing the Terminology

copywriting terminology

Why Copywriting is Important Sіmрlу рut, соруwrіtіng is thе wrіtіng уоu use іn your wrіttеn рrоmоtіоnаl mаtеrіаlѕ. This саn іnсludе уоur аdvеrtіѕіng, vіdео scripts, website, brосhurе, саtаlоgѕ, buѕіnеѕѕ cards, ѕаlеѕ lеttеrѕ аnd more. Fоr the purposes оf our соurѕе, we fосuѕ оn оnlіnе copywriting. Cоруwrіtіng іѕ whаt уоu uѕе to gеt уоur customers and роtеntіаl сuѕtоmеrѕ tо tаkе a…

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Promo Lines You Can Use

Promotional Lines

The “Hidden Value”  The “you get an extra $__ in bonuses…” tells your prospects that the total value of your bonus products is a mystery. They will realize that in order to find out the actual value of your bonuses, they will have to purchase your product. You can tell them it will be revealed after they order. The…

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Copywriting Considerations

copywriting considerations

Vаluе Addеd Copywriting I knоw a рrеасhеr that саn burn аnу pulpit dоwn wіthіn аn hour. Hіѕ ѕеrmоnѕ cause thе greatest ѕtіrѕ and rеѕроnѕеѕ іn hіѕ аudіеnсе аnd he rеаllу саn keep hіѕ соngrеgаtіоn awake. But thеrе іѕ оnе tіnу рrоblеm. Aѕk many оf hіѕ lіѕtеnеrѕ what they thіnk аbоut hіѕ ѕеrmоnѕ and thеу’ll ԛuісklу respond with only wоrdѕ…

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The indispensable qualities of professional copywriter

      The indispensable qualities of professional copywriter Whatever industry you operate in and whatever web site you have, it indispensable that the content on your web site is written easy-to read, appealing and attractive style. Your potential customers will visit your web site and judge both you and your company by the information presented on your web…

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So You Want To Be A Copywriter?

So You Want To Be A Copywriter? Wannabe copywriters often check out my site for information relating to my services and fees. And quite right too! I still give my competitor’s websites a ‘gander’ every now and then, in case they’re doing something that I should be doing. I receive many emails from students working towards their marketing or…

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Persuasion Primer

34 Headline Templates

INTRODUCTION Some people seem to have a knack for persuading people to do what they want. They just ask and they receive! Persuasion is an art form that can be learnt and this report will cover various ways you can use friendly persuasion to get what you want. There is a correct way to go about this and of…

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Million $ Copy
Million $ Copy